Low testosterone is prevalent in men at any age. It can lead to low sex drive, low energy, depression, and erectile dysfunction. There are many causes of low testosterone including genetic, injury, medication, obesity and aging. Dr. Choi will identify the cause of low testosterone via thorough history, physical examination, and laboratory and imaging studies. Based on patient’s desire and symptoms, one or more therapies can be combined to achieve the expecting outcome. Patients are followed closely to find the right combination/dose of treatment and side effects.
Treatment options:
- Diet and exercise – science is clear that more fatty tissue in your body leads to lower testosterone level. Balance diet and exercise is a core of all treatment of low testosterone.
- Pills
– DHEA – your body can turn DHEA into testosterone
– Clomid (serophene) – stimulate brain to increase signal to testicles, in turn it leads to more production of testosterone and sperms - Injection
– HCG – mimics brain hormone of LH and in turn induces testicle to produce more testosterone
– Testosterone – 2-to-4-week interval intramuscular injection, quarterly injection or 6 months dose of pellets - Gel
– Daily application of gel onto skin.