Laser Lithotripsy


Laser Lithotripsy is a minimally invasive and outpatient procedure. The term ‘lithotripsy’ means breaking down of stone(s). A specialized laser is introduced into the bladder/ ureter via cystoscope and is used to pulverize the stone into smaller particles. Broken stones are removed using a specialized stone basket.

How to prepare for the procedure

Laser lithotripsy is performed under anesthesia. When preparing to have a procedure performed under anesthesia you can expect to start fasting the night prior to your procedure. Please consult with your surgeon to discuss the pre-operative testing which may include; blood work, chest x-ray, EKG, discontinuation of medications, and clearance for other medical reasons. The procedure will be done at the hospital or outpatient surgery center. Patient may be discharged home with a catheter that will remain in for a few days.

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